The daily workflow of a product manager can mean toggling between as many as a dozen different tools, each fulfilling a different, specialized function. Of course, it takes a specific brain space to design and create the products used by product teams themselves. So, what’s it like to build the tools used to build product? This week we take a peek behind the curtain with JourneyApps Chief of Product Kobie Botha, who speaks on product management for developer platforms.
Broadway may not be the first industry that comes to mind with the word tech. However, with over 14 million attendees a year, product leaders are catching on to the cross-consumer opportunities evident in the live theater space. How has one of the most legacy, analog industries there is evolved to thrive in the digital now? The Shubert Organization Director of Digital Product Kyle Wright speaks on the evolution of digital in live theater and how data technology continues to enhance live storytelling.